Uluslararası Eğitim ve Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi (ETA Journal) e-issn:2687-6426

Writing Rules of Journal

-All submissions to our journal are screened using the Turnitin plagiarism program.-

1-Submissions must be formatted using the provided template. The template is available at the end of the page, and the work must be written on the template (the template is shared in the link).

2-Submitted papers must not contain any information that identifies the author(s); otherwise, the paper will not be considered and will be returned. Once the process is completed, the information will be added by the editors.

3-Articles submitted to the journal, including notes, tables, and figures, should be between 2,500 and 10,000 words.

4-The articles submitted by the author(s) for publication should not violate the copyright of any individual, entity, or third party.

5-The authors are responsible for adhering to ethical rules and all liabilities of the articles.

6- In such cases, the authors are also responsible for compensating any necessary financial damages, litigation, and defense costs.

7-The title and abstract sections must be in both Turkish and English. Abstracts should be between 150-300 words. Additionally, 3-5 keywords in both Turkish and English should be included. Keywords should be selected to define the content of the work and to be found in searches. To ensure standardization in abstracts, the content should mention the topic, purpose, significance, contribution, method, findings, and sources.

8-Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere before or be under consideration for publication elsewhere simultaneously. Symposium papers that have not been published in full-text proceedings can be published, provided that this situation and derivation from a thesis are stated.

9-Articles should be submitted via the Article Tracking System, through a personal page accessed with an email address and password. After submission, authors can track the peer review process from the same page. At this stage, authors should wait for reports from the reviewers to make corrections. If the reviewers request corrections, the author should upload the revised or corrected version of the work to the page containing the reviewer's report, and this process can only be done once.

10-Articles should be submitted in accordance with the writing rules available in the system. Otherwise, the peer review process cannot be initiated for articles that do not conform to the template.

11-With the submission of the article to the journal, a "Similarity Report" and "Ethics Committee Declaration" should also be uploaded to the system. In studies where ethics committee approval is not required, the author should state and sign that ethics committee approval is not necessary and upload it to the system. The similarity rate of the article is limited to 20%, including footnotes (excluding the bibliography). 

12- The following rules should be applied for articles:

13- If a template, image, or appendix is used, it should be numbered below the visual, provided in Times New Roman 10-point, and centered. Visuals and tables can be included within the text or at the end, as needed by the study.

                            The author should use the MLA in-text citation style and classic footnote format.

---Articles should be justified on both sides, with the main title centered, bold, and in capital letters. Subheadings should be left-aligned, with the first letters capitalized, lowercase, and bold.

---The bibliography should list all used works, alphabetically ordered by surname in uppercase letters.

---To ensure standardization in sources, classification of the used sources should be done if necessary (archive documents, copyrighted works, internet sources, etc.).

----Articles should not include details like page numbers, headers, or footers.

                                                                 Top Margin: 3 cm

                                                                 Bottom Margin: 3 cm

                                                                 Left Margin: 3 cm

                                                                 Right Margin: 3 cm

                                                                 Paragraph Indent: 1 cm

                                                                 Block Quote: 1 cm left and right

                                                                 Font: Times New Roman

                                                                 Main Text Size: 11

                                        (Abstract sections in the same font, 11-point single-spaced)

                           (In articles in foreign languages, the abstract is provided first in the language of the article)

                                                                 Block Quote: 10-point italic

                                                                 Footnote Text Size: 10, Single Spacing

                                                                 Paragraph Spacing: 6 pt

                                                                 Line Spacing: 1.15

Examples of in-text citation and bibliography formatting are as follows:

For detailed writing rule examples, ATAM (Atatürk Research Center) writing rules should be followed:


--Book: Richard Hall, The Balkan Wars 1912-1913, A Prelude to World War I, (Trans. M. Tanju Akad), Istanbul, Homer Publishing, 2003.

--Article: Anıl Kaya, Aslan Gündüz et al., "The Greater Middle East Project and North Africa," National Strategy Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2006, pp. 34-36.

--Archival documents: BOA, 1076- İPD: 318 report.

--Internet Sources: Salim Koca, "The Image of Turks in the Context of Islamic Civilization," https://www.ttk.gov.tr/ (Accessed Date 22.06.1987)

--News articles with author names: "Turkish Interest in Hungary," Milliyet, September 21, 2022, p. 10.

--Works without author names: Atatürk's Speeches and Statements, Atatürk Research Center, Ankara 1997, p. 56.

Appendices and Albums

  1. All materials such as pictures, figures, and documents should be numbered, and explanations should be written below the visuals, centered. The text should be 10-point Times New Roman.

  2. For figures to be included between pages in the text, appropriate-sized spaces should be left, or the places for the images should be clearly indicated.


HALL, Richard, The Balkan Wars 1912-1913, A Prelude to World War I, (Trans. M. Tanju Akad), Homer Publishing,

Istanbul 2003.

KAYA, Anıl, "The Greater Middle East Project and North Africa," National Strategy Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2006, pp. 30-50.

BOA, A.DVN.NMH: Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives, Imperial Council Department.

https://www.ttk.gov.tr/ (Accessed Date 22.06.1987)

Atatürk's Speeches and Statements, Atatürk Research Center, Ankara 1997.

KÖSE, İsmail, The Reflections of Turkish-American Diplomatic Relations in the Diaries and Reports of High Commissioner Admiral Bristol (1917-1927), Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, Trabzon 2013.

---For book reviews;

-Book reviews can range between 750-1200 words and should not exceed 1200 words. Visuals like cover images can be shared.

-The topic, purpose, and scope of the book should be conveyed to the reader, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the book. The version of the book in the original language in which it was first published should be considered, and if the book has been translated from another language into Turkish, this information should be shared with the reader, along with the Turkish citation.

-Pre-approval of the book review by the Book Review Editor does not guarantee its publication. The final decision on the publication of all works rests with the Journal editorial board.

-Book reviews should be prepared in accordance with the general format requirements of the journal. Sample book reviews and writing rules can be found in previously published book reviews.

---For translation articles;

-In translation articles, the translator must obtain permission from the author(s) of the original article. All copyright costs in translation articles are the responsibility of the translator. The original citation and permission status of the translated article should be shared below the first page of the text.

---Use the Eta template for your work: https://etajournal.com/statik/23b62f51-d27a-4bb6-9e77-f568f13a238betajournal_makaleler.docx

Uluslararası Eğitim ve Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi (ETA Journal) e-issn:2687-6426
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