Uluslararası Eğitim ve Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi (ETA Journal) e-issn:2687-6426

Ethical Policy

ETA Journal - Duties of Authors

  1. Reporting

In original research studies, the author(s) must clearly state how the study was conducted and its significance, and present the results objectively. The study should be described in detail so that other researchers can replicate similar studies, and necessary sources that could be used must be specified. Review articles should be accurate, objective, and comprehensive, clearly stating the editor's opinion and other subjective views. False or intentionally erroneous statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.

  1. Data Access and Storage

Authors should make their raw data (if suitable for publication) and the editorial version of their papers openly accessible to everyone upon request. Authors should keep their data accessible to other researchers for at least 10 years after the publication date (preferably through institutional or corporate data repositories or a data center). However, participant confidentiality must be maintained, taking into account their personal information and legal rights.

  1. Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should only publish original work and cite the sources and data used appropriately. They should also cite other publications that determine the quality of their work. There are different types of plagiarism: presenting another researcher's work as one's own, copying a portion of another researcher's work without citation, or claiming another study's results as one's own. Plagiarism in any form is contrary to publication ethics and is unacceptable.

Every manuscript submitted is scanned for plagiarism using the Turnitin program. This scanning includes references and citations. Any manuscript with a plagiarism scan result of 20% or higher will be automatically rejected without further consideration or acceptance if changes are made. The manuscript is not transferred to the Turnitin database. However, 20% is not a criterion for the editors, and they reserve the right to reject or request changes to the manuscript at the first problem.

Multiple, Copied, or Simultaneous Submission/Publication

Articles containing essentially the same study should not be published in more than one journal or other publication organ. Therefore, authors should not submit a previously published study to another journal for evaluation. Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously is unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Under certain conditions, some articles (such as clinical guidelines, translations, etc.) may be published in multiple journals. Authors and editors of the relevant journals must agree that the study may be published in another journal. Data and discussions published in a second journal should be identical to those published in the previously published journal. The first journal of publication must be cited.

Authorship Definition

Authors are considered to have taken all responsibilities related to their publication. Therefore, only individuals who meet the criteria for authorship should be identified as authors. These criteria include: (I) contributing significantly to the content, design, data collection process, or analysis/interpretation of the study, (II) contributing intellectually to the creation and editing of the content, (III) reviewing the final version of the study, approving it, and accepting its publication. Individuals who contribute technically (such as technical assistance, writing, editing assistance, and support) but do not meet the authorship criteria should not be listed as authors; instead, they should be acknowledged in the "Acknowledgments" section after obtaining written permission. Permission. The corresponding author ensures that all authors listed have contributed to the study, have seen the final version, and have agreed to its publication without objection.

  1. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Authors should declare at the earliest possible stage (usually by sending an information form with the application and adding an explanation to the article) that there are no conflicts of interest that could affect the results or interpretations of the study. Potential conflicts of interest may include financial types (such as grants, scholarships, and other payments), membership, employment, consulting, ownership of shares, expert opinion fees, or patent-license agreements, as well as non-financial connections such as personal or professional connections, memberships, and information or opinions related to the study. All financial resources (including grant numbers or other reference numbers) should be specified.

  1. Citation of Sources

Authors must properly cite the sources they use in their work and indicate the sources they reference when deciding on the nature of their work. Personally obtained information (speech, correspondence, or interviews with third parties) should not be used without written permission from the source. Authors should not use documents specific to individuals (such as peer review or grant application documents) without the written permission of their owners.

  1. Human and Animal Rights

If the study includes methods and equipment that contain chemical substances or cause various harms when used, these substances, methods, and equipment should be clearly stated in the article. If the study involves subjects and guinea pigs, authors must perform all procedures in accordance with relevant laws and institutional regulations and obtain approval from the relevant committees/organizations. This should also be stated in the article. Authors should also specify that they have obtained the necessary permissions to work with subjects in studies involving human subjects. Participants' privacy rights should not be violated.

Reviewer Evaluation Process

Authors are obligated to participate in the peer review process and respond promptly to editors' requests regarding raw data, explanations, ethical approval certificates, patient consent, and copyright permissions. If the reviewers recommend "revise and resubmit," authors must systematically make the requested revisions and resubmit their work before the final deadline. In cases where one reviewer provides a positive opinion and another a negative one, the article will be sent to a third reviewer for further evaluation.

Major Errors in Published Works

Identifying significant errors or inaccuracies in a published study is primarily the responsibility of the authors. If such a problem arises, the authors must immediately inform the journal's editors or publishers and collaborate with them to correct the error (typographical error) or retract the publication. If editors or publishers learn from a third party that the work contains a significant error or inaccuracy, authors are responsible for promptly correcting or retracting the article or proving its accuracy to the journal editors.

Publisher's Responsibilities

  1. Ethical Violations

ETA Journal will take necessary measures to clarify the situation and modify the article in cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publications, or plagiarism. This will be done in agreement with the editors of the relevant issue. Measures to be taken may include, but are not limited to, stating that there was a typographical error, providing an explanation, and retracting the article in very serious cases. ETA Journal commits to taking necessary measures to prevent the publication of articles involving academic misconduct.

  1. Access to Journal Content

The publisher commits to providing open access to the journal; therefore, it accepts the responsibility to make all sections of published content permanently and freely accessible to academic circles worldwide. The publisher does not charge any financial or moral fees for the submission process and printing of articles. The publisher pledges that the journal content is continuously and freely accessible.

  1. Archiving and Preservation of Publications

The archiving and preservation of online content are provided through the Journal Platform infrastructure.

Uluslararası Eğitim ve Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi (ETA Journal) e-issn:2687-6426
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